Archive for the 'NPI Numbers' Category

Physicians NPI Numbers for Doctors

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Physicians NPI Numbers sometimes referred to as Doctors NPI numbers are required to process many forms regarding payment from Medicare and other agencies. particularly Medical Insurance companies. I’ve found 2 wonderful resources that deal with the office procedures surrounding Physicians NPI Numbers. This Paperback Book is terrific for learning pest practices Ms. Sinclair sure knows […]

Looking for NPI

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

When working with NPI listings, it sometimes becomes difficult to find a site that is both an answer for my current problem but also a growing, evolving location of future answers to my questions about NPI Numbers. After all, when I have a need to be looking for NPI of a current customer or physician […]

Physician NPI Numbers Lookup Information

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Welcome to NPI, we are preparing data for display on this website to help you Learn about the National Provider Identifier and it’s use in your business as well as allow a One Stop Location to lookup these Numbers. Most other sites will redirect you to other locations all over the Internet regarding NPI Lookup, […]

Hello world!

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Welcome to NPI, we are preparing data for display on this website to help you Learn how to use the Goverment required National Provider Identifier. Imagine a One Stop Location for both information and to allow lookup of these Numbers. Looking for NPI information almost always takes several searches to sort thru what are adds and […]